St link stm8
St link stm8

The header for this ST-Link v2 programmer contains connections for 5V, 3.3V, SWCLK, SWDIO, SWIM, Reset (RST/NRST), and GND. Use this device to send program code to the 32-bit STM32 ARM Cortex or 8-bit STM8 microcontrollers. How to Use ST-Link V2 Utility to program your STM8 and STM32 MCU. ST-Link V2 Emulator Downloader ProgrammingSupporting the full range of STM32 SWD debugging interface Supporting the full range of STM8 SWIM download debugging (common development environments such as IAR, STVD etc. are supported ST-Link V2 Programmer For STM8 and STM32 is fully consistent with the official version, support for automatic upgrades, support the full range STM32 SWD (only 4pins including SWCLK, SWDIO, and power) and a full range STM8 SWIM (only 4pins including SWIM, Reset and power) download and debug. Make sure this fits by entering your model number. JTAG cable for connection to a standard JTAG 20-pin 2.Support the full range of STM32 SWD debugging interface, a simple 4-wire interface (including power), fast, stable interface definition housing directly marked! Do not need to read the manual support the full range of STM8 SWIM download debugging (common development environments such as IAR, STVD, etc.1.65 V to 3.6 V application voltage support on the JTAG/SWD interface and 5 V tolerant inputs Make sure this fits by entering your model number.USB2. Programming : supports FLASH ROM, EEPROM, AFR, etc. The single-wire interface module (SWIM) and JTAG/serial wire debugging (SWD) interfaces are used to communicate with any STM8 or STM32 microcontroller located on an application board. The single-wire interface module (SWIM) and JTAG /serial wire debugging (SWD) interfaces are used to communicate with any STM8 or STM32 microcontroller located on an application board. The ST-LINK/V2 is an in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers. JTAG/serial wire debug (SWD) specific features: Part Number: ST-LINK/V2 (mini), In-circuit Debugger and Programmer for STM8 & STM32 Debugging : run at full-speed, single-stepped, breakpoints, viewing variables and registers, etc. The ST-LINK/V2 is an in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers.SWIM cable for connection to an application with pin headers or 2.54 mm pitch connector.SWIM cable for connection to an application with an ERNI standard connector Vertical connector reference: 284697 or 214017 Horizontal connector reference: 214012.SWIM programming speed rates: 9.7 kbyte/s in low-speed, 12.8 kbyte/s in high-speed.SWIM low-speed and high-speed modes support.1.65 V to 5.5 V application voltage support on the SWIM interface.USB 2.0 full-speed compatible interface.

St link stm8